
Through volunteers, animals at our shelter receive the one on one attention, socialization and exercise that they need to make them ready to be adopted.

Here at the shelter we have a ONE time introductory class that will cover our general guidelines for proper handling of shelter dogs and cats. It will cover common diseases, what to do if a dog runs off, and what to do if an animal fight breaks out. After you take the class you will be given a volunteer pass that you will need to bring with you when you volunteer.

30-minute classes are currently being scheduled for Wednesday at 4:30 pm and Saturday at 2:00 pm. To sign up for a class time, send a Facebook message, call 660-562-3333 or sign up in-person at the front desk.

We have decided to implement this introductory class to ensure everyone stays safe while volunteering. The class will also help keep our insurance cost down so more of the money can go directly to the animals.

Who can volunteer? Everyone!

Those 13 years and younger must be accompanied by a parent or another adult who will be responsible for volunteer’s actions. Anyone under 18 years old will need a parent/guardian to sign the Assumption of Risk Waiver.

Please print, complete and bring the Volunteer Form in when you come in to the shelter. Forms are also available at the shelter.

Volunteer Form (Word Document) (Fillable PDF)

Doggie Dates every Saturday

Every Saturday from 12-4pm, you can sign up to take a shelter dog on a date away from the shelter. Call 660-562-3333 or send a Facebook message to request your doggie date.

Become a Member


We would like to invite you to become a member of the New Nodaway Humane Society. Members of our animal shelter are the people that are the caring voices for the animals in need, and without these people and their support our day to day operations would not be possible.

Membership is FREE!

Printable membership form (Fillable PDF)

More ways to get involved

  • Foster

    NNHS needs animal foster families to temporarily care for animals until they are ready for adoption.

  • Angels and Buddies

    As a Angel or Buddy you can support a specific shelter animal with a monthly donation.

  • Events

    Support the shelter by attending or volunteering for our events.