Our Services
Animal Intake
The New Nodaway Humane Society is contracted with several local communities. We are able to consider stray animals and owner surrenders on a case-by-case basis.
Dog Licensing
Maryville requires all dogs – with owners living inside the city limits – to be registered and licensed each year.
Animal Control
Our shelter services the community by acting as the local animal control unit for the City of Maryville, MO.
Educational Programs
We are a community-oriented organization. Information about animal welfare, care and training is available at the shelter and presentations are given by volunteers to schools, youth and adult organizations and interested business groups.
Owner Return
If an animal has a microchip or tags, we will notify them immediately. Animals are boarded for $20 per day and the owner is responsible for that cost. If after five days no one claimed the animal or the identity of the owner cannot be found, the animal is eligible for adoption.
The shelter offers a service of implanted microchips. All adopted dogs and cats have the chips included in the adoption fee. Members of the general public may have the chips embedded in their pets for $20.

Get Involved
Adopt a new friend or volunteer at our shelter.