Pars Fore Paws Golf Tournament
The 6th Annual Pars Fore Paws golf tournament is set for Saturday, May 24th 2025!
Join us and show your support!
What: 4-person scramble
Price: $300 per 4-person team or
$75 for an individual registrant, paired up as available.
Sponsorship tiers also available!
When: Saturday, May 24th, 9 a.m. shotgun-start (8:30 registration opens)
Where: Mozingo Lake Golf Course
Entry includes: Green fees, cart, goodie bag, prizes
25055 Liberty Rd, Maryville, MO 64468, mozingolake.com/golf
Contact: Wes Rockwood at weswillrock@gmail.com or 515-202-9460 with any questions!
Rain date will be selected as needed
4-person scramble
Hole prizes will be featured
Includes: green fees, cart, goodie bag (including thank you gift, drink tickets), and awards at the end
Hole contests: longest drive, closest to the pin, longest putt, etc
All are welcome! No need to be a country club member
*Single/pairs of golfers accepted. We will work to match up teams ahead of time if possible or day of the event.
Mulligans available for purchase day of: 1 mulligan per person per 9 holes: $5 each. (So $10 per person, or $40 a team for all)
Play the ball up
2-putt max on green | Exception: on the green in 2 on a par 5, you must putt for par if needed
Teams can be men, women or any mixed combination
Tee boxes:
Men: White
Men 65+: Gold
Women: Red
Prizes will be available for hole contests, and flighted finishing positions.
Hole contest prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of tournament.
We will have flighted awards for the whole tournament. Scores will presented following the 9 a.m. tee time.
No need to be present to win any prizes.
Don’t forget about the 50/50 drawing!
We will open the 50/50 drawing soon!
Interested in sponsoring?
Expand each sponsorship to see what that sponsorship level includes. Registration will available online or cash/checks can be accepted at NNHS.
We are also always looking for prize donations to help make our tournament special for the attendees.
Contact: Wes Rockwood at weswillrock@gmail.com or 515-202-9460 with any questions.
2 team registrations.
Name or company name incorporated into tournament name/logo (ex. Pars Fore Paws presented by [Your Company]).
Name or company logo prominently displayed with all event banners/signage and printed materials.
Name or logo added as clickable link on New Nodaway Humane Society’s website and social media post(s).
Dedicated social media post thanking you or your business (16,000+ followers).
“Corporate Cuddle Break” offered for company’s employees within six months of the event.
2 team registrations.
Name or company logo prominently displayed with all event banners/signage and printed materials.
Name or logo added as clickable link on New Nodaway Humane Society’s website and social media post(s).
Dedicated social media post thanking you or your business (16,000+ followers).
“Corporate Cuddle Break” offered for company’s employees within six months of the event.
1 team registration.
Name or company logo included on all event banners/signage and printed materials.
Company logo added as clickable link on New Nodaway Humane Society’s website and social media post(s).
Name or logo on a tee box sign.
1 team registration.
Name or Company listed as a group of sponsors on web and social media post(s).
Name or logo on a tee box sign.
Only one available.
Business or name prominently displayed on interior of all golf carts. Participants will be able to see throughout the entire event.
Name or Company listed as a group of sponsors on web and social media post(s).
Sponsor the drink tickets! Only one available.
Sponsor name printed on the giveaway ticket coupons in each participant’s goodie bag.
Name or Company listed as a group of sponsors on web and social media post(s).
Sponsor the snack table! Only one available.
Sponsor name displayed prominently on its own at the snack table near check-in.
Name or Company listed as a group of sponsors on web and social media post(s).
Only one available.
Your business or name prominently displayed at the driving range roughly 36x24".
Name or Company listed as a group of sponsors on web and social media post(s).
Only one available.
Your business or name prominently displayed at the putting green. Roughly 36x24".
Name or Company listed as a group of sponsors on web and social media post(s).
Tee box signage. Your business or name on a tee box sign. Roughly 36x24".
Name or Company listed as a group of sponsors on web and social media post(s).
Par Sponsors:
Casey Abington & Jeff Nickerson
Rockwood Creative
Other Sponsors: